Public officials at every level must take on the vast responsibilities for protecting the public from a multitude of safety hazards. This hazards include murder, terror and property crimes. They include preventing accidents resulting in further collateral damage. Office holders are also charged with making sure their cities run smoothly.

Meeting these challenges requires collaboration among the various agencies of government including law enforcement, housing authorities, parking authorities, public health, parks and recreation agencies and many other groups. This can involve hundreds or thousands of CCTV cameras deployed to help manage these tasks. In addition, private businesses within the communities typically have many hundreds or thousands more cameras deployed on their premises. We can also help you create system of collaboration between these private and government resources to maximize the benefits of this surveillance.

City-Wide Surveillance

City government officials must take on the vast responsibilities for protecting the public from a multitude of safety hazards. This hazards include murder,terror and property crimes. The include preventing accidents resulting in further collateral damage. Office holders are also charged with making sure their cities run smoothly.

Meeting these challenges requires collaboration among the various agencies of government including law enforcement, housing authorities, parking authorities, public health, parks and recreation agencies and many other groups. Many cities have hundreds or thousands of CCTV cameras deployed to help manage these tasks. In addition private businesses within the communities typically have many hundreds or thousands more cameras deployed on their premises. Creating a method of collaboration between these private and government resources to maximize the benefits of this surveillance is a challenge all on its own.

These thousands of camera’s in a very short time frame create thousands and thousands of terabytes of data. This data must be managed and analyzed correctly in order to take full advantage of the opportunities. The Boston video intelligence platform is a complete solution for all of a cities video management and video analysis needs. state of the art network video recorders combined with its Boston video management software and best in class video analytics allows cities to make better actionable decisions based on video data faster than ever before.


In a city of millions, it is impossible to prevent all crimes before they happen, but with Boston’s facial recognition and other analytic capabilities law enforcement has a fighting chance to stop many crimes before they happen. Boston’s cloud based servers allow law enforcement and other agencies as well as any private sector companies that wish to participate, to share photographic information in a central video database. This could include specialized high priority lists such wanted individuals, parolees that are restricted from certain areas, or broad based data such as all driver license photos. Boston’s software makes every camera perpetually vigilant, constantly comparing faces as the appear on the cameras against the database of people that law enforcement is looking for. There are practically an unlimited number of security applications for facial surveillance within a city. For example, there are over 750,000 registered sex offenders in the United States. Nearly 100% of these registrants are prohibited from being near schools, parks and other locations frequented by children. Using Boston’s facial recognition video analytic will allow law enforcement do know that a registered sex offender has passed in front of a camera in real time. This will allow law enforcement to respond to the exact location the offender entered the restricted space, providing an opportunity to pre-empt a crime. The knowledge that law enforcement has this capability also creates a powerful deterrent to potential re-offenders.


Managing and monitoring automobile traffic is one of the biggest challenges any city faces. Boston’s license plate analytic can help with several facets of this complex tax. If your city uses traffic enforcement camera’s to enforce speeding a stop light laws, our license plate analytic can be integrated with license plate databases to automatically identify violators, significantly reducing the amount of time personnel need to spend to identify violators manually. Our license plate analytic can also be used to help locate hit and run accidents perpetrators from traffic camera’s or to find cars who have caused accidents which have occurred in city operated parking facilities. Additionally, in the event law enforcement is looking for a particular vehicle the license plate analytic can be used to generate a real-time alert any time that car drives in front of any camera on the surveillance network.


Facial surveillance and license plate analysis is highly specific and easily attachable to existing databases. But here are many situations across a city where monitoring alerts on forensic searches need to be done using less specific analysis. That is where Boston’s object tracking module comes into play. These video analytics allows for alerts to be created based on detection of motion, color or size of an object. This has utility in almost every public facility. Many public buildings have restricted areas that are only supposed to be entered by certain people. And many public buildings do not permit any people when the buildings are closed after hours or on weekends. This analytic turns every surveillance camera deployed in public buildings into a virtual sentry. Whenever motion is detected in areas where motion is not expected an alert can be issued to security or law enforcement personnel for appropriate action. In forensic search situations, investigators will be able to speed up their investigations by being able to search video based on partial witness statements, by enabling investigators to be able to search for video information based on color and size information.


Cities provide many services where citizens expect to be treated like customers. The Boston Demographics Analtyic can help your city optimize your methods of providing services to customers. It does this by allowing your analysts to do much more than count customers. Your managers will be able to understand who your customers are. While traditionally Boston Demographics Analytic has been used by retail, banking, hospitality, and other industries, many of your cities services can be improved by understanding your customers by estimating foot traffic and identifying them by age and gender. You will be to compare the demographic reports against transactions, understand foot traffic metrics and receive valuable feedback to help improve the delivery services to constituents. As with all of our video analtytics demographic information can be used in any forensic investigation is partial information about a suspect such as age or gender are known.


Every city department that greets the public directly can benefit from Boston’s people counting analytic. This analytic allows you to gather precise and accurate time and date-stamped counts of people entering and leaving a facility. This will allow department managers to make better staffing decisions. This analytic can also be configured to provide real-time alerts for situations when a facility has more patrons than staff is adequately serving. All of this information is compiled in intuitive and fully exportable reports which can be used by budget planners to know which departments are truly understaffed or if any departments are overstaffed.


Today’s airport security decision makers face extremely complex challenges. The instinctive solution to simply provide more surveillance devices to increase the amount or granularity of data creates a new dilemma, data overload. Proper evaluation of the data is far more important than the simple collection of more data. The Boston solution makes evaluation of this data faster and more completely than ever before.

Video data collected from the most critical operational areas of the airport will be evaluated in real time providing a layer of security intended to preempt critical events.

Our solution makes all stored data easily searchable which accelerates investigations of security events that were not able to be prevented.

One challenge for airport security is the large number of diverse components that comprise an airport, each of which has specific security needs. These components include the critical Airport perimeter, apron, command and control center areas, it also includes the equally critical terminal buildings, check-in areas and customs and immigration areas. Airports also face security challenges in the other sections of the facility including the cargo, retail and hospitality and car parking areas.

The types of security challenges range from preempting allowing a known terrorist entering the airport or an airplane to identifying a hit and run driver in the car parking area.

Another set of challenges come from the essential need to achieve all of the security goals while maintaining standards for passenger flow, operational uptime and profitability

The Boston intelligent surveillance system optimizes both these security and operational needs, In the past a technology upgrade of this magnitude typically required expensive hardware upgrades. Our highly scalable solution integrates seamlessly with existing camera surveillance systems. It also allows for the integration of other security databases; such as watch lists or no-fly lists.


Airports have been terrorist targets since the 1975 bombing of the La Guardia airport in the United States which killed 11 people, most recently in June 2016, the Atatürk Airport in Turkey was attacked killing 45 people. While multiple layers of security need to be utilized to prevent such events, the Boston intelligent search facial recognition software provides an extremely important layer in this process. While not every potential is known to law enforcement, a significant number are. At check-in, a snapshot of each passenger’s face will be cross indexed against any facial database which the airport has access too, such as domestic law enforcement and Interpol lists. Any time a match is found to a known bad actor located in a database, security personnel will be alerted instantly and automatically to allow them to intercept the suspect


Certain sections of an airport permit restricted vehicle traffic. The Boston system detects attempts by unpermitted vehicles to enter a restricted zone. For vehicles with license plates, the system will be able to read each license plate and through the use of its license plate analytics capabilities index that against a list of permitted license plates. If no match is found appropriate security personnel will be alerted to the attempted breach by that vehicle. Additionally, Boston system operators will be able to define permitted vehicles based on size and color. If a vehicle attempts to enter a restricted area outside the permitted parameters a system alerts will be sent to appropriate security personnel for visual assessment of the scene Some sections of the airport are open to public road traffic. In the same way the facial recognition software can identify known bad actors, the license plate recognition technology can also be leveraged to identify watch-list vehicles by license plate, and alert officers if a wanted vehicle appears in the vehicle drop off areas, or other areas accessible by the general public.


Boston’s object tracking solution defines virtual boundaries between restricted and unrestricted areas. This has utility in many sections of an airport. For example, the airport apron is a highly controlled area. It also has identifiable specific objects and specific counts of people that are expected to on apron at any given time. Boston will identify permitted objects by size and color. Any time an unexpected object appears in the surveillance area, a system alert will be sent to security personnel for visual assessment. Boston’s intelligent video search technology will alert security personnel in real time whenever people or other objects have unexpectedly crossed a boundary between unrestricted and restricted area.


Boston's Queue Management applications is used to optimize passenger traffic flow by counting the number of people waiting in a ticket or boarding queue, and the average passenger wait time in the queues. This allows management to shift resources to queues with longer than acceptable waiting times or line sizes.


Boston’s people counting feature allows the airport to count how many people enter and exit each monitored area of the airport. This information can be used from a security perspective if an unexpected mismatch in enter/exit counts is measured. For example, of the number of people boarding a plane is greater than the number of tickets sold a system security alert could be generated. Our advanced crowd counting software allow security to keep a constant count of how many people remain with an area.

Places of Worship

In the war with terror, houses of worship have become high profile terrorist targets, and sometimes safe harbors for terrorists. Our platform provides safe and sensitive surveillance solutions for these problems. This two-edged problem creates two sets of security issues, one the monitoring of potentially radical institutions and the other maintaining the safety of all worshippers.

The desired balance between civil rights and safety and security regarding government monitoring of houses of worship varies widely from country to country. For example, in France, the national government monitors activities at all Mosques within the country. In the USA, there is great reluctance and strong legal barriers to such activities. For jurisdictions that chose to prioritize safety Boston Video Intelligence Platform can significantly enhance monitoring efforts in a very cost effective manner.

On the other side of the coin worshippers at Mosques, Temples and Churches often feel as though they are particular targets of hate and violence. Unlike banks or retail businesses these institutions do not ordinarily rely on full-time security personnel to provide safety. Many do have our at least a modest installation of video surveillance equipment. Our platform can help these institutions improve and speed up searches related to vandalism or other attacks on the facility. And for the vast majority of institutions that do not have personnel on duty, utilization of our cloud services, can transform these passive camera installations into virtual sentries allowing for proactive protection of facilities and worshippers.


How it works:

We take raw video feeds from your surveillance cameras and turn it into structured data.

Data is divided into events while metadata is tagged. It is then presented in easily scanned “event cards” for quick review.

The now-structured data is stored in a database that can be easily searched in seconds by event, person, camera, location, time, license plates, objects, colors, motion, and more.


Boston’s Facial Surveillance Analytic can help congregations keep their worshippers safer in several ways. First, the institution can use the analytic to turn every face that crosses in front of a camera to be turned into data that can be cross-indexed against a database of known criminals or terrorists to identify anyone in the facility that is on the list. This information can be used to generate an alert to let the appropriate authorities be of aware of their presence. Next for events like vandalism that have already happened, the process of identifying the suspect is greatly enhanced.

From the perspective of law enforcement agencies monitoring religious facilities for suspicious behavior or know suspects the Facial Surveillance Analytic is of the highest value. First it can be used to identify known criminals or terrorists against a database or multiple databases of faces of known persons of interest. Real time alerts can be generated anytime a match is made.

The Facial Surveillance Analytic goes a step further however. Each face that is captured is stored as an event with associated data, time and any other relevant metadata. This information can be used to create additional data about the times people come and go as well as the frequency of their visits. Users can configure events that they deem to be out of the ordinary to create alerts as well.


Instantly search and receive alerts based on motion, direction, speed, color and size. Protect entry ways, parking lots and other critical areas with this analytic. Combine with other analytics for faster investigation times.


Stop crime and vehicle-related liability with our powerful License Plate Recognition Analytic. Banks will find this particularly useful in providing additional capacities for the surveillance of drive up ATM machines. You will be able to Improve surveillance by cataloging license plate events for parking lots, drive-up windows and entry gates. Using this analytic with our forensic search to locate and track even partial plate numbers.


Boston’s demographics analytic can be used by authorities to set alerts based on age gender and other characteristics in addition to specific alerts set based on face or license plate. These would usually generate a large number of hits, but could become essential in specific emergency situation when a suspect has been identified by these characteristics.


Railways have been targeted by terrorist’s multiple times in the last several years. Railways have multiple areas of vulnerabilities. First and foremost, security personnel must keep passengers safe on trains and within terminals. Next the railway security must protect the valuable assets of the railway, the railcars and tracks. Finally, railroads carry large quantities of the most dangerous freight in the world including nuclear waste and deadly chemicals.

Modern railroads typically have very exhaustive deployment of surveillance cameras in all of their most sensitive areas in terminals and on the railways, as well as in railcars themselves. Boston’s Video Analytics can be used to significantly increase security’s ability to interdict events and to solve crimes for events that were not pre-empted.

Another set of challenges come from the essential need to achieve all of the security goals while maintaining standards for passenger flow, operational uptime and profitability.

The Boston intelligent surveillance system optimizes both these security and operational needs, In the past a technology upgrade of this magnitude typically required expensive hardware upgrades. Our highly scalable solution integrates seamlessly with existing camera surveillance systems. It also allows for the integration of other security databases such as watch lists or no-fly lists. Overtime the Boston solution will actually create additional facial and other records to existing databases to increase the ability to solve crimes and to speed up investigations.


Following two recent Islamist terrorist attacks in Germany, Interior Minster Thomas de Maiziere in recognition of railway station and airport vulnerabilities publicly expressed his desire to introduce facial recognition technology to help identify terrorist suspects as the enter the facilities.

While multiple layers of security need to be utilized to prevent such events, the Boston intelligent search facial recognition software provides an extremely important layer in this process. While not every potential is known to law enforcement, a significant number are. At check-in, a snapshot of each passenger’s face will be cross indexed against any facial database which the railway has access too, such as domestic law enforcement and Interpol lists. Any time a match is found to a known bad actor located in a database, security personnel will be alerted instantly and automatically to allow them to intercept the suspect.


Areas external to rail stations often have substantial vehicle parking areas. These areas can be adjacent to the rail station or sometimes remotely located as part of park and ride programs.

In the same way the facial recognition software can identify known bad actors, Boston’s license plate recognition technology can also be leveraged to identify watch-list vehicles by license plate, and alert officers if a wanted vehicle appears in the vehicle drop off areas, or other areas accessible by the general public.


Boston's Queue Management applications is used to optimize passenger traffic flow by counting the number of people waiting in a ticketing queues and on passenger platforms, and the average passenger wait time in the queues. This allows management to shift resources to queues with longer than acceptable waiting times or line sizes. Management can also be alerted in real-time if waiting passenger levels exceed permissible levels.


Boston’s people counting feature allows the rail station to count how many people enter and exit each monitored area within the rail station. This information can be used from a security perspective if an unexpected mismatch in enter/exit counts is measured. For example, of the number of people boarding the train is greater than the number of tickets sold a system security alert could be generated. Our advanced crowd counting software allow security to keep a constant count of how many people remain with an area.